Mid Term Presentations on 21 December

The following groups will give a short (8 minutes including time for questions) presentation on their project:

  1. Georg-Hendrik Haan and Chris Brandhorst
  2. Ronald Paul
  3. Alex van Oostrum and Bart Schapendonk
  4. Hao Nguyen and Niek Schmoller
  5. Hugo Siles del Castillo and Koen Tinselboer
  6. Erik van Bloem and Joris van Balen
  7. Sander Bosman and Joris Visser
  8. Geert Vos and Daniël van 't Oever
  9. Robert Zwerus and Wessel van Binsbergen
  10. Rob Obdeijn and Bertold van Voorst
  11. Ferdi Meijerink and Wietze Spijkerman

Please put your presentation slides (Powerpoint or PDF) to the discussion section of this news item.

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