The following groups will give a short (8 minutes including time for questions) presentation on their project:
- Georg-Hendrik Haan and Chris Brandhorst
- Ronald Paul
- Alex van Oostrum and Bart Schapendonk
- Hao Nguyen and Niek Schmoller
- Hugo Siles del Castillo and Koen Tinselboer
- Erik van Bloem and Joris van Balen
- Sander Bosman and Joris Visser
- Geert Vos and Daniël van 't Oever
- Robert Zwerus and Wessel van Binsbergen
- Rob Obdeijn and Bertold van Voorst
- Ferdi Meijerink and Wietze Spijkerman
Please put your presentation slides (Powerpoint or PDF) to the discussion section of this news item.
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