First submission due on August 11, 2013
The Federated Web Search track is part of NIST's Text REtrieval Conference TREC 2013. The track investigates techniques for the selection and combination of search results from a large number of real on-line web search services. The data set, consisting of search results from 157 search engines is now available. The search engines cover a broad range of categories, including news, books, academic, travel, etc. We have included one big general web search engine, which is based on a combination of existing web search engines.
Federated search is the approach of querying multiple search engines simultaneously, and combining their results into one coherent search engine result page. The goal of the Federated Web Search (FedWeb) track is to evaluate approaches to federated search at very large scale in a realistic setting, by combining the search results of existing web search engines. This year the track focuses on resource selection (selecting the search engines that should be queried), and results merging (combining the results into a single ranked list). You may submit up to 3 runs for each task. All runs will be judged. Upon submission, you will be asked for each run to indicate whether you used result snippets and/or pages, and whether any external data was used. Precise guidelines can be found at:
Track coordinators
- Djoerd Hiemstra – University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Thomas Demeester – Ghent University, Belgium
- Dolf Trieschnigg – University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Dong Nguyen – University of Twente, The Netherlands