This year, students can pass our course “Gegevensbanken” (Dutch for “Databases”) by following the massive open online course DB 2014 from Stanford University
In 2013/2014 we offered our course “Gegevensbanken” (Dutch for Databases) for the last time. From this year on, students will study Databases as part of the module Data and Information. We advise students that failed the course last year, and that do not want to enroll in the Twente Educational Model (TOM: Twents Onderwijs Model), to follow the excellent Stanford DB 2014 massive open on-line course (MOOC) by Jenifer Widom.
The course takes the following 8 lectures (mini courses) from the full Stanford Database class. Students should finish roughly one mini course each week in Quarter 1.
- Introduction and Relational Databases
- Relational Algebra
- Relational Design Theory
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Indexes and Transactions
- Constraints and Triggers
- Views and Authorization
Students that submit their Statements of Accomplishment via Blackboard for each mini course (except the Introduction mini course) will get 0.2 bonus grade point per Statement, 1.5 bonus grade points if all Statements of Accomplishment are submitted. There are two exams for “Gegevensbanken”:
- 30 October, 13.45 h. – 16.45 h.
- 30 January, 8.45 h. – 11.45 h. (resit)
Students that fail both exams can enroll in the new Twente Educational Model bachelor module “Data & Information” which takes place in Quarter 4.