Welcome to Information Modelling & Databases, Part B, Databases! We will resume Tuesday 5 November with a lecture at 15:30h. in EOS N 01.630.
The Databases part contains mandatory, individual quizzes, for which the following honour code applies:
- You do not share the solutions;
- The solutions to the quizzes should be your own work;
- You do not post the quizzes, nor the solutions anywhere online;
- You do not use instruction-tuned large language models like Github Copilot or ChatGPT;
- You are allowed, and encouraged, to discuss the quizzes, and to ask clarifying questions to your fellow students; Please use the Brightspace Discussion Forum to reach out to me, the teaching assistants and your fellow students.
New this year are the optional SQL Mastery Assignments for students that want to go the extra mile. Students that successfully submit solutions to the SQL Mastery Assignments get free travel and participation to DuckCon #6 in Amsterdam on 31 January 2025!!
Also this year, we will experiment with a new automatic grader called Socoles that will automatically give feedback on open questions that require SQL solutions. Socoles is developed by Benard Wanjiru. Socoles helps us grade the assignments for more than 300 students in the course. Of course, you will get human feedback too, during the tutorials on Friday mornings.
Wishing you a fruitful Part B!
Best wishes, Djoerd Hiemstra