An open source implementation of web clustering algorithms for selective search

by Gijs Hendriksen, Djoerd Hiemstra, and Arjen de Vries

In distributed search, a document collection is partitioned across several shards, which can be queried independently to speed up query processing. Selective search builds upon this infrastructure, but reduces the required resources further by only querying a small number of the index shards. A resource selection algorithm is used to predict which shards are relevant for a given query. To ensure that this works effectively, the shards are usually created using a topic-driven clustering algorithm, so that different documents that are relevant for the same query are more likely to be assigned to the same shard. To make the topic-driven clustering algorithms usable by the general public, and make it easier for researchers or search engine developers to implement and experiment with selective search systems, we release an open source implementation of SB2 K-means, including the extensions QKLD and QInit. Our implementation will be published as a Python package on PyPI.

The be presented at the 6th International Open Search Symposium #OSSYM24 on 9-11 October 2024 in Munich, Germany

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Weighted AUReC

Handling Skew in Shard Map Quality Estimation for Selective Search

by Gijs Hendriksen, Djoerd Hiemstra, and Arjen de Vries

In selective search, a document collection is partitioned into a collection of topical index shards. To efficiently estimate the topical coherence (or quality) of a shard map, the AUReC (Area Under Recall Curve) measure was introduced. AUReC makes the assumption that shards are of similar sizes, one that is violated in practice, even for unsupervised approaches. The problem might be amplified if supervised labelling approaches with skewed class distributions are used. To estimate the quality of such unbalanced shard maps, we introduce a weighted adaptation of the AUReC measure, and empirically evaluate its effectiveness using the ClueWeb09B and Gov2 datasets. We show that it closely matches the evaluations of the original AUReC when shards are similar in size, but captures better the differences in performance when shard sizes are skewed.

To be presented at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) in Glasgow on 24-28 March.

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Cross-Market Product-Related Question Answering

by Negin Ghasemi, Mohammad Aliannejadi, Hamed Bonab, Evangelos Kanoulas, Arjen de Vries, James Allan, and Djoerd Hiemstra

Online shops such as Amazon, eBay, and Etsy continue to expand their presence in multiple countries, creating new resource-scarce marketplaces with thousands of items. We consider a marketplace to be resource-scarce when only limited user-generated data is available about the products (e.g., ratings, reviews, and product-related questions). In such a marketplace, an information retrieval system is less likely to help users find answers to their questions about the products. As a result, questions posted online may go unanswered for extended periods. This study investigates the impact of using available data in a resource-rich marketplace to answer new questions in a resource-scarce marketplace, a new problem we call cross-market question answering. To study this problem’s potential impact, we collect and annotate a new dataset, XMarket-QA, from Amazon’s UK (resource-scarce) and US (resource-rich) local marketplaces. We conduct a data analysis to understand the scope of the cross-market question-answering task. This analysis shows a temporal gap of almost one year between the first question answered in the UK marketplace and the US marketplace. Also, it shows that the first question about a product is posted in the UK marketplace only when 28 questions, on average, have already been answered about the same product in the US marketplace. Human annotations demonstrate that, on average, 65% of the questions in the UK marketplace can be answered within the US marketplace, supporting the concept of cross-market question answering. Inspired by these findings, we develop a new method, CMJim, which utilizes product similarities across marketplaces in the training phase for retrieving answers from the resource-rich marketplace that can be used to answer a question in the resource-scarce marketplace. Our evaluations show CMJim’s significant improvement compared to competitive baselines.

To be presented at the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2023) on July 23-27 in Taipei, Taiwan.

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Open Web Search project kicked off

Today, we kick-off our new EU project In the project, we develop a new architecture for search engines where many parts of the system will be decentralized. The key idea is to separate index construction from the search engines themselves, where the most expensive step to create index shards can be carried out on large clusters while the search engine itself can be operated locally.

We also envision an Open-Web-Search Engine Hub, where companies and individuals can share their specifications of search engines and pre-computed, regularly updated search indices. We think of this as a search engine mash-up, that would enable a new future of human-centric search without privacy concerns.

More information at:

Open Search Symposium 2022

10-12 October 202 at CERN

The Open Search Symposium series (#OSSYM) provides a forum to discuss and advance the ideas and concepts of Open Internet search in Europe. This year’s #OSSYM2022 takes place at CERN and online from 10-12 October 2022. The programme is great with for instance on Monday a keynote from Tomáš “Word2Vec” Mikolov, on Tuesday a track with alternative search engines including Raphael Auphan (the CEO of Qwant), Isabel Claus (founder of the B-to-B engine, and Joseph Cullhead (, a Swedish nonprofit organization with a low budget search engine). Wednesday has a panel discussion about the ethics of search.

[Register now via CERN]

BERT for Target Apps Selection

Analyzing the Diversity and Performance of BERT in Unified Mobile Search

by Negin Ghasemi, Mohammad Aliannejadi, and Djoerd Hiemstra

A unified mobile search framework aims to identify the mobile apps that can satisfy a user’s information need and route the user’s query to them. Previous work has shown that resource descriptions for mobile apps are sparse as they rely on the app’s previous queries. This problem puts certain apps in dominance and leaves out the resource-scarce apps from the top ranks. In this case, we need a ranker that goes beyond simple lexical matching. Therefore, our goal is to study the extent of a BERT-based ranker’s ability to improve the quality and diversity of app selection. To this end, we compare the results of the BERT-based ranker with other information retrieval models, focusing on the analysis of selected apps diversification. Our analysis shows that the BERT-based ranker selects more diverse apps while improving the quality of baseline results by selecting the relevant apps such as Facebook and Contacts for more personal queries and decreasing the bias towards the dominant resources such as the Google Search app.

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A research agenda

Slow, content-based, federated, explainable, and fair

Access to information on the world wide web is dominated by monopolists, (Google and Facebook) that decide most of the information we see. Their business models are based on “surveillance capitalism”, that is, profiting from getting to know as much as possible about individuals that use the platforms. The information about individuals is used to maximize their engagement thereby maximizing the number of targeted advertisements shown to these individuals. Google’s and Facebook’s financial success has influenced many other online businesses as well as a substantial part of the academic research agenda in machine learning and information retrieval, that increasingly focuses on training on huge datasets, literally building on the success of Google and Facebook by using their pre-trained models (e.g. BERT and ELMo). Large pre-trained models and algorithms that maximize engagement come with many societal problems: They have been shown to discriminate minority groups, to manipulate elections, to radicalize users, and even to enable genocide. Looking forward to 2021-2027, we aim to research the following technical alternatives that do not exhibit these problems: 1) slow, content-based, learning that maximizes user satisfaction instead of fast, click-based learning that maximizes user engagement; 2) federated information access and search instead of centralized access and search; 3) explainable, fair approaches instead of black-box, biased approaches.

Reducing Misinformation in Query Autocompletions

by Djoerd Hiemstra

Query autocompletions help users of search engines to speed up their searches by recommending completions of partially typed queries in a drop down box. These recommended query autocompletions are usually based on large logs of queries that were previously entered by the search engine’s users. Therefore, misinformation entered — either accidentally or purposely to manipulate the search engine — might end up in the search engine’s recommendations, potentially harming organizations, individuals, and groups of people. This paper proposes an alternative approach for generating query autocompletions by extracting anchor texts from a large web crawl, without the need to use query logs. Our evaluation shows that even though query log autocompletions perform better for shorter queries, anchor text autocompletions outperform query log autocompletions for queries of 2 words or more.

To be presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Open Search Technology (OSSYM 2020), 12-14 October 2020, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

[download pdf] [slides]

PhD candidate vacancy: Transfer Learning for Federated Search

We are looking for a PhD candidate to join the Data Science group at Radboud University for an exciting new project on transfer learning for language modelling with an application for federated search. Transfer learning learns general purpose language models from huge datasets, such as web crawls, and then trains the models further on smaller datasets for a specific task. Transfer learning in NLP has successfully used pre-trained word-embeddings for several tasks. Although the success of word embeddings on search tasks has been limited, recently pre-trained general purpose language representations such as BERT and ELMo have been successful on several search tasks, including question answering tasks and conversational search tasks. Resource descriptions in federated search consist of samples of the full data that are sparser than full resource representations. This raises the question of how to infer vocabulary that is missing from the sampled data. A promising approach comes from transfer learning from pre-trained language representations. An open question is how to effectively and efficiently apply those pre-trained representations and how to adapt them to the domain of federated search. In this project, you will use pre-trained language models, and further train those models for a (federated) search task. You will evaluate the quality of those models as part of international evaluation conferences like the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) and the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF).

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