IR Journal Special Issue on ECIR 2021

by Djoerd Hiemstra and Marie-Francine Moens

The 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2021, was supposed to take place as an in-person conference in Lucca, Italy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ECIR 2021 was held entirely online from March 28 to April 1, 2021. The conference programme contained full paper presentations, poster presentations, system demonstrations, eight tutorials, five workshops, an industry event, a doctoral consortium, a reproducibility track, a panel on open access publishing and several online social events.

For this special issue, we asked the authors of eight of the ECIR 2021 full apers that had the best reviewing scores to submit an extended version of their paper. This led to five papers that are published in this special issue of the Information Retrieval Journal. The extended papers contain at least 30% new content. Examples of extensions are enhancements that improve the techniques described in the ECIR 2021 paper; as well as tests on additional datasets that reveal behaviors that differ from the originally published claims and that provide further insights into the methods being described. Among the papers in this special issue are extensions of two papers that received an award at ECIR 2021.

Published in Information Retrieval Journal.

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SIGIR Test of Time Awardees 1978-2001

Overview of Special Issue

by Donna Harman, Diane Kelly (Editors), James Allan, Nicholas J. Belkin, Paul Bennett, Jamie Callan, Charles Clarke, Fernando Diaz, Susan Dumais, Nicola Ferro, Donna Harman, Djoerd Hiemstra, Ian Ruthven, Tetsuya Sakai, Mark D. Smucker, Justin Zobel (Authors)

This special issue of SIGIR Forum marks the 40th anniversary of the ACM SIGIR Conference by showcasing papers selected for the ACM SIGIR Test of Time Award from the years 1978-2001. These papers document the history and evolution of IR research and practice, and illustrate the intellectual impact the SIGIR Conference has had over time.
The ACM SIGIR Test of Time Award recognizes conference papers that have had a long-lasting influence on information retrieval research. When the award guidelines were created, eligible papers were identified as those that were published in a window of time 10 to 12 years prior to the year of the award. This meant that the first year this award was given, 2014, eligible papers came from the years 2002-2004. To identify papers published during the period 1978-2001 that might also be recognized with the Test of Time Award, a committee was created, which was led by Keith van Rijsbergen. Members of the committee were: Nicholas Belkin, Charlie Clarke, Susan Dumais, Norbert Fuhr, Donna Harman, Diane Kelly, Stephen Robertson, Stefan Rueger, Ian Ruthven, Tetsuya Sakai, Mark Sanderson, Ryen White, and Chengxiang Zhai.
The committee used citation counts and other techniques to build a nomination pool. Nominations were also solicited from the community. In addition, a sub-committee was formed of people active in the 1980s to identify papers from the period 1978-1989 that should be recognized with the award. As a result of these processes, a nomination pool of papers was created and each paper in the pool was reviewed by a team of three committee members and assigned a grade. The 30 papers with the highest grades were selected to be recognized with an award.
To commemorate the 1978-2001 ACM SIGIR Test of Time awardees, we invited a number of people from the SIGIR community to contribute write-ups of each paper. Each write-up consists of a summary of the paper, a description of the main contributions of the paper and commentary on why the paper is still useful. This special issue contains reprints of all the papers, with the exception of a few whose copyrights are not held by ACM (members of ACM can access these papers at the ACM Digital Library as part of the original conference proceedings).
As members of the selection committee, we really enjoyed reading the older papers. The style was very different from todays SIGIR paper: the writing was simple and unpretentious, with an equal mix of creativity, rigor and openness. We encourage everyone to read at least a handful of these papers and to consider how things have changed, and if, and how, we might bring some of the positive qualities of these older papers back to the SIGIR program.

To be published in SIGIR Forum 51(2), Association for Computing Machinery, July 2017

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Inoculating Relevance Feedback Against Poison Pills

by Mostafa Dehghani, Hosein Azarbonyad, Jaap Kamps, Djoerd Hiemstra, and Maarten Marx

Relevance Feedback (RF) is a common approach for enriching queries, given a set of explicitly or implicitly judged documents to improve the performance of the retrieval. Although it has been shown that on average, the overall performance of retrieval will be improved after relevance feedback, for some topics, employing some relevant documents may decrease the average precision of the initial run. This is mostly because the feedback document is partially relevant and contains off-topic terms which adding them to the query as expansion terms results in loosing the retrieval performance. These relevant documents that hurt the performance of retrieval after feedback are called “poison pills”. In this paper, we discuss the effect of poison pills on the relevance feedback and present significant words language models (SWLM) as an approach for estimating feedback model to tackle this problem.

To be presented at the 15th Dutch-Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop, DIR 2016 on 25 November in Delft.

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Evaluation and analysis of term scoring methods for term extraction

by Suzan Verberne, Maya Sappelli, Djoerd Hiemstra, and Wessel Kraaij

We evaluate five term scoring methods for automatic term extraction on four different types of text collections: personal document collections, news articles, scientific articles and medical discharge summaries. Each collection has its own use case: author profiling, boolean query term suggestion, personalized query suggestion and patient query expansion. The methods for term scoring that have been proposed in the literature were designed with a specific goal in mind. However, it is as yet unclear how these methods perform on collections with characteristics different than what they were designed for, and which method is the most suitable for a given (new) collection. In a series of experiments, we evaluate, compare and analyse the output of six term scoring methods for the collections at hand. We found that the most important factors in the success of a term scoring method are the size of the collection and the importance of multi-word terms in the domain. Larger collections lead to better terms; all methods are hindered by small collection sizes (below 1000 words). The most flexible method for the extraction of single-word and multi-word terms is pointwise Kullback-Leibler divergence for informativeness and phraseness. Overall, we have shown that extracting relevant terms using unsupervised term scoring methods is possible in diverse use cases, and that the methods are applicable in more contexts than their original design purpose.

To appear in Information Retrieval.

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Solving the Continuous Cold Start Problem in E-commerce Recommendations

Beyond Movie Recommendations: Solving the Continuous Cold Start Problem in E-commerce Recommendations

by Julia Kiseleva, Alexander Tuzhilin, Jaap Kamps, Melanie Mueller, Lucas Bernardi, Chad Davis, Ivan Kovacek, Mats Stafseng Einarsen, Djoerd Hiemstra

Many e-commerce websites use recommender systems or personalized rankers to personalize search results based on their previous interactions. However, a large fraction of users has no prior interactions, making it impossible to use collaborative filtering or rely on user history for personalization. Even the most active users may visit only a few times a year and may have volatile needs or different personas, making their personal history a sparse and noisy signal at best. This paper investigates how, when we cannot rely on the user history, the large scale availability of other user interactions still allows us to build meaningful profiles from the contextual data and whether such contextual profiles are useful to customize the ranking, exemplified by data from a major online travel agent
Our main findings are threefold: First, we characterize the Continuous Cold Start Problem (CoCoS) from the viewpoint of typical e-commerce applications. Second, as explicit situational context is not available in typical real world applications, implicit cues from transaction logs used at scale can capture essential features of situational context. Third, contextual user profiles can be created offline, resulting in a set of smaller models compared to a single huge non-contextual model, making contextual ranking available with negligible CPU and memory footprint. Finally we conclude that, in an online A/B test on live users, our contextual ranker increased user engagement substantially over a non-contextual baseline, with click-through-rate (CTR) increased by 20%. This clearly demonstrates the value of contextual user profiles in a real world application.

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Using a Stack Decoder for Structured Search

by Kien Tjin-Kam-Jet, Dolf Trieschnigg, and Djoerd Hiemstra

We describe a novel and flexible method that translates free-text queries to structured queries for filling out web forms. This can benefit searching in web databases which only allow access to their information through complex web forms. We introduce boosting and discounting heuristics, and use the constraints imposed by a web form to find a solution both efficiently and effectively. Our method is more efficient and shows improved performance over a baseline system.

To be presented at the 10th international conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2013) in Grenada, Spain on 18-20 September.

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Assigning reviewers to papers

Multi-Aspect Group Formation using Facility Location Analysis

by Mahmood Neshati, Hamid Beigy, and Djoerd Hiemstra

In this paper, we propose an optimization framework to retrieve an optimal group of experts to perform a given multi-aspect task/project. Each task needs a diverse set of skills and the group of assigned experts should be able to collectively cover all required aspects of the task. We consider three types of multi-aspect team formation problems and propose a unified framework to solve these problems accurately and efficiently. Our proposed framework is based on Facility Location Analysis which is a well known branch of the Operation Research. Our experiments on a real dataset show significant improvement in comparison with the state-of-the art approaches for the team formation problem.

The paper will be presented at the 17th Australasian Document Computing Symposium ADCS 2012 at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand on the 5th and 6th December, 2012.

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Joost Wolfswinkel graduates on enriching ontologies

Semi-Automatically Enriching Ontologies: A Case Study in the e-Recruiting Domain

by Joost Wolfswinkel

The thesis is inspired by a practical problem that was identified by Epiqo. Epiqo is an Austrian company that wants to expand to other countries within Europe and to other domains within Austria with their e-Recruiter system. For the e-Recruiter system to work, it needs domain specific ontologies. These ontologies need to be built from the ground up by domain experts, which is a time-consuming and thus expensive endeavor. This fueled the question from Epiqo whether this could be done (semi-)automatically.

The current research presents a solution for semi-automatically enriching domain specific ontologies. We adapt the general Ontology-Based Information Extraction (OBIE) architecture of Wimalasuriya and Dou (2010), to be more suitable for domain-specific applications by automatically generating a domain-specific semantic lexicon. We then apply this general solution to the case-study of Epiqo. Based on this architecture we develop a proof-of-concept tool and perform some explorative experiments with domain experts from Epiqo. We show that our solution has the potential to provide qualitative “good” enough ontologies to be comparable to standard ontologies.

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A framework for concept-based video retrieval

The Uncertain Representation Ranking Framework for Concept-Based Video Retrieval

by Robin Aly, Aiden Doherty (DCU, Ireland), Djoerd Hiemstra, Franciska de Jong, and Alan Smeaton (DCU, Ireland)

Concept based video retrieval often relies on imperfect and uncertain concept detectors. We propose a general ranking framework to define effective and robust ranking functions, through explicitly addressing detector uncertainty. It can cope with multiple concept-based representations per video segment and it allows the re-use of effective text retrieval functions which are defined on similar representations. The final ranking status value is a weighted combination of two components: the expected score of the possible scores, which represents the risk-neutral choice, and the scores’ standard deviation, which represents the risk or opportunity that the score for the actual representation is higher. The framework consistently improves the search performance in the shot retrieval task and the segment retrieval task over several baselines in five TRECVid collections and two collections which use simulated detectors of varying performance.

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Free-Text Search versus Complex Web Forms

by Kien Tjin-Kam-Jet, Dolf Trieschnigg, and Djoerd Hiemstra

We investigated the use of free-text queries as an alternative means for searching “behind” web forms. We conducted a user study where we evaluated our prototype free-text interface in a travel planner scenario. Our results show that users prefer this free-text interface over the original web form and that they are about 9% faster on average at completing their search tasks.

The paper will be presented in April at the 33rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2011) in Dublin, Ireland

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