Zhemin Zhu defends PhD thesis on Co-occurrence Rate Networks

Co-occurrence Rate Networks: Towards separate training for undirected graphical models

by Zhemin Zhu

Dependence is a universal phenomenon which can be observed everywhere. In machine learning, probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) represent dependence relations with graphs. PGMs find wide applications in natural language processing (NLP), speech processing, computer vision, biomedicine, information retrieval, etc. Many traditional models, such as hidden Markov models (HMMs), Kalman filters, can be put under the umbrella of PGMs. The central idea of PGMs is to decompose (factorize) a joint probability into a product of local factors. Learning, inference and storage can be conducted efficiently over the factorization representation.
Two major types of PGMs can be distinguished: (i) Bayesian networks (directed graphs), and (ii) Markov networks (undirected graphs). Bayesian networks represent directed dependence with directed edges. Local factors of Bayesian networks are conditional probabilities. Directed dependence, directed edges and conditional probabilities are all asymmetric notions. In contrast, Markov networks represent mutual dependence with undirected edges. Both of mutual dependence and undirected edges are symmetric notions. For general Markov networks, based on the Hammersley–Clifford theorem, local factors are positive functions over maximum cliques. These local factors are explained using intuitive notions like ‘compatibility’ or ‘affinity’. Specially, if a graph forms a clique tree, the joint probability can be reparameterized into a junction tree factorization.
In this thesis, we propose a novel framework motivated by the Minimum Shared Information Principle (MSIP): We try to find a factorization in which the information shared between factors is minimum. In other words, we try to make factors as independent as possible.
The benefit of doing this is that we can train factors separately without paying a lot of efforts to guarantee consistency between them. To achieve this goal, we develop a theoretical framework called co-occurrence rate networks (CRNs) to obtain such a factorization. Briefly, given a joint probability, the CRN factorization is obtained as follows. We first strip off singleton probabilities from the joint probability. The quantity left is called co-occurrence rate (CR). CR is a symmetric quantity which measures mutual dependence among variables involved. Then we further decompose the joint CR into smaller and indepen dent CRs. Finally, we obtain a CRN factorization whose factors consist of all singleton probabilities and CR factors. There exist two kinds of independencies between these factors: (i) a singleton probability is independent (Here independent means two factors do not share information.) of other singleton probabilities; (ii) a CR factor is independent of other CR factors conditioned by singleton probabilities. Based on a CRN factorization, we propose an efficient two-step separate training method: (i) in the first step, we train a separate model for each singleton probability; (ii) given singleton probabilities, we train a separate model for each CR factor. Experimental results on three important natural language processing tasks show that our separate training method is two orders of magnitude faster than conditional random fields, while achieving competitive quality (often better on the overall quality metric F1).
The second contribution of this thesis is applying PGMs to a real-world NLP application: open relation extraction (ORE). In open relation extraction, two entities in a sentence are given, and the goal is to automatically extract their relation expression. ORE is a core technique, especially in the age of big data, for transforming unstructured information into structured data. We propose our model SimpleIE for this task. The basic idea is to decompose an extraction pattern into a sequence of simplification operations (components). The benefit by doing this is that these components can be re-combined in a new way to generate new extraction patterns. Hence SimpleIE can represent and capture diverse extraction patterns. This model is essentially a sequence labeling model. Experimental results on three benchmark data sets show that SimpleIE boosts recall and F1 by at least 15% comparing with seven ORE systems.
As tangible outputs of this thesis, we contribute open source implementations of our research results as well as an annotated data set.

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Niels Bloom defends PhD thesis on associative networks for document categorization

Grouping by association: Using associative networks for document categorization

by Niels Bloom

In this thesis we describe a method of using associative networks for automatic document grouping. Associative networks are networks of concepts in which each concept is linked to concepts that are semantically similar to it. By activating concepts in the network based on the text of a document and spreading this activation to related concepts, we can determine what concepts are related to the document, even if the document itself does not contain words linked directly to those concepts. Based on this information, we can group documents by the concepts they refer to.

In the first part of the thesis we describe the method itself, as well as the details of various algorithms used in the implementation. We additionally discuss the theory upon which the method is based and compare it to various related methods. In the second part of the thesis we present several improvements to the method. We evaluate techniques to create associative networks from easily accessible knowledge sources, as well as different methods for the training of the associative network. Additionally, we evaluate techniques to improve the extraction of concepts from documents, we compare methods of spreading activation from concept to concept, and we present a novel technique by which the extracted concepts can be used to categorize documents. We also extend the method of associative networks to enable the application to multilingual document libraries and compare the method to other state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we present a practical application of associative networks, as implemented in a corporate environment in the form of the Pagelink Knowledge Centre. We demonstrate the practical usability of our work, and discuss the various advantages and disadvantages that the method of associative networks offers.

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Cum laude PhD degree for Sergio Duarte Torres

Sergio Duarte Torres and defense committee

Sergio Duarte Torres' PhD defense last Friday February 14th resulted in a exceptional PhD degree cum laude. His PhD thesis: “Information Retrieval for Children: Search Behavior and Solutions” was written at the Database Group as part of the European project PuppyIR, a joint project with amongst others Human Media Interaction. Sergio's research shows an extraordinary diversity and heterogeneity, touching many areas of computer science, including Information Retrieval, Big Data analysis, and Machine Learning. Sergio sought cooperation with leading search engine companies in the field: Yahoo and Yandex. He did a three-month internship at Yahoo Research in Barcelona. Sergio's work is well-received. His paper on vertical selection for search for children was nominated for the Best Student Paper Award at the joint ACM/IEEE conference on Digital Libraries in Indianapolis, USA. His work is accepted at two important journals in the field: the ACM Transactions on the Web, and the Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology. Specifically worth mentioning is the user study with children aged 8 to 10 years old done by Sergio to evaluate the child-friendly search approaches that he developed. We are proud of the achievements of Sergio Duarte Torres. He will be an excellent ambassador of the University of Twente.

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Ilya Markov defends Phd thesis on Distributed Information Retrieval

Today, Ilya Markov successfully defended his PhD thesis at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland.

Uncertainty in Distributed Information Retrieval

by Ilya Markov

Large amounts of available digital information call for distributed processing and management solutions. Distributed Information Retrieval (DIR), also known as Federated Search, provides techniques for performing retrieval over such distributed data. In particular, it studies approaches to aggregating multiple searchable sources of information within a single interface.
DIR provides an efficient and low-cost solution to a distributed retrieval problem. As opposed to a centralized retrieval system, which acquires, stores and processes all available information locally, DIR delegates the search task to distributed sources. This way, DIR lowers the storage and processing costs and provides a user with up-to-date information even if this information is not crawlable (i.e. cannot be reached using hyperlinks).
DIR is usually based on a brokered architecture, according to which distributed retrieval is managed by a single broker. The broker-based DIR can be divided into five steps: resource discovery, resource description, resource selection, score normalization and results presentation. Among these steps, resource description, resource selection and score normalization are actively studied within DIR research, while the resource discovery step is addressed by the database community and results presentation is studied within aggregated search.
Despite the large volume of research on resource selection and score normalization, no unified framework of developed techniques exists, which makes difficult the application and comparison of available methods. The first goal of this dissertation is to summarize, analyze and evaluate existing resource selection and score normalization techniques within a unified framework. This should improve the understanding of available methods, reveal their underlying assumptions and limitations and describe their properties. This, in turn, will help to improve existing resource selection and score normalization techniques and to apply the right method in the right setting.
The second and the main contribution of this dissertation is in stating and addressing the problem of uncertainty in DIR. In Information Retrieval (IR) this problem has been recognized for a long time and numerous techniques have been proposed to deal with uncertainty in various IR tasks. This dissertation raises the question of uncertainty in DIR, outlines the sources of uncertainty on different DIR phases and proposes methods for measuring and reducing this uncertainty.

Kien Tjin-Kam-Jet defends PhD thesis on Distributed Deep Web Search

Distributed Deep Web Search

by Kien Tjin-Kam-Jet

The World Wide Web contains billions of documents (and counting); hence, it is likely that some document will contain the answer or content you are searching for. While major search engines like Bing and Google often manage to return relevant results to your query, there are plenty of situations in which they are less capable of doing so. Specifically, there is a noticeable shortcoming in situations that involve the retrieval of data from the deep web. Deep web data is difficult to crawl and index for today's web search engines, and this is largely due to the fact that the data must be accessed via complex web forms. However, deep web data can be highly relevant to the information-need of the end-user. This thesis overviews the problems, solutions, and paradigms for deep web search. Moreover, it proposes a new paradigm to overcome the apparent limitations in the current state of deep web search, and makes the following scientific contributions:

  1. A more specific classification scheme for deep web search systems, to better illustrate the differences and variation between these systems.
  2. Virtual surfacing, a new, and in our opinion better, deep web search paradigm which tries to combine the benefits of the two already existing paradigms, surfacing and virtual integration, and which also raises new research opportunities.
  3. A stack decoding approach which combines rules and statistical usage information for interpreting the end-user's free-text query, and to subsequently derive filled-out web forms based on that interpretation.
  4. A practical comparison of the developed approach against a well-established text-processing toolkit.
  5. Empirical evidence that, for a single site, end-users would rather use the proposed free-text search interface instead of a complex web form.

Analysis of data obtained from user studies shows that the stack decoding approach works as well as, or better than, today’s top-performing alternatives.

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Adele Lu Jia defends her PhD thesis on incentives in p2p networks

Adele Lu Jia successfully defended her PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology,

Online Networks as Societies: User Behaviors and Contribution Incentives

by Adele Lu Jia

Online networks like Facebook and BitTorrent have become popular and powerful infrastructures for users to communicate, to interact, and to share social lives with each other. These networks often rely on the cooperation and the contribution of their users. Nevertheless, users in online networks are often found to be selfish, lazy, or even ma- licious, rather than cooperative, and therefore need to be incentivized for contributions. To date, great effort has been put into designing effective contribution incentive policies, which range from barter schemes to monetary schemes. In this thesis, we conduct an analysis of user behaviors and contribution incentives in online networks. We approach online networks as both computer systems and societies, hoping that this approach will, on the one hand, motivate computer scientists to think about the similarities between their artificial computer systems and the natural world, and on the other hand, help people outside the field understand online networks more smoothly.

To summarize, in this thesis we provide theoretical and practical insights into the correlation between user behaviors and contribution incentives in online networks. We demonstrate user behaviors and their consequences at both the system and the individual level, we analyze barter schemes and their limitations in incentivizing users to contribute, we evaluate monetary schemes and their risks in causing the collapse of the entire system, and we examine user interactions and their implications in inferring user relationships. Above all, unlike the offline human society that has evolved for thousands of years, online networks only emerged two decades ago and are still in a primitive state. Yet with their ever-improving technologies we have already obtained many exciting results. This points the way to a promising future for the study of online networks, not only in analyzing online behaviors, but also in cross reference with offline societies.

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Frans van der Sluis defends his PhD thesis on Information Experience

When Complexity becomes Interesting: An Inquiry into the Information eXperience

by Frans van der Sluis

To date, most research in information retrieval and related fields has been concerned primarily with efficiency and effectiveness of either the information system or the interaction of the user with the information system. At the same time, understanding the experience of a user during information interaction is recognized as a grand challenge for the development of information systems. There is a widely shared intuition that the value of the retrieved information is dependent on more than system characteristics such as the topical overlap between a query and a document. As it is not obvious how to embrace this intuition, this challenge has mostly been left ignored. This dissertation embarked upon the challenge of describing and developing an operational model of the Information eXperience (IX) – the experience during the interaction with information. This task was decomposed into three sub-challenges:

  1. Transform the fuzzy concept of the IX into a formalized one.
  2. Develop a model of textual complexity that enables an information system to influence a user's IX.
  3. Identify and influence the causes of the experience of interest in text.

Debasis Ganguly successfully defends PhD thesis on Topical Relevance Models

Today, Debasis Ganguly successfully defended his PhD thesis at Dublin City University.

Topical Relevance Models

by Debasis Ganguly

An inherent characteristic of information retrieval (IR) is that the query expressing a user's information need is often multi-faceted, that is, it encapsulates more than one specific potential sub-information need. This multi-facetedness of queries manifests itself as a topic distribution in the retrieved set of documents, where each document can be considered as a mixture of topics, one or more of which may correspond to the sub-information needs expressed in the query. In some specific domains of IR, such as patent prior art search, where the queries are full patent articles and the objective is to (in)validate the claims contained therein, the queries themselves are multi-topical in addition to the retrieved set of documents. The overall objective of the research described in this thesis involves investigating techniques to recognize and exploit these multi-topical characteristic of the retrieved documents and the queries in IR and relevance feedback in IR.

Robert Neumayer defends thesis on distributed entity search

Today, Robert Neumayer defended his Ph.D. thesis Semantic and Distributed Entity Search in the Web of Data at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway

by Robert Neumayer

Both the growth and ubiquitious character of the Internet have had a profound effect on how we access and consume ata and information. More recently, the Semantic Web, an extension of the current Web has come increasingly relevant due to its widespread adoption.
The Web of Data (WoD) is an extension of the current web, where not only docu- ments are interlinked by means of hyperlinks but also data in terms of predicates. Specifically, it describes objects, entities or “things” in terms of their attributes and their relationships, using RDF data (and often is used equivalently to Linked Data). Given its growth, there is a strong need for making this wealth of knowl- edge accessible by keyword search (the de-facto standard paradigm for accessing information online).
The overall goal of this thesis is to provide new techniques for accessing this data, i.e., to leverage its full potential to end users. We therefore address the following four main issues: a) how can the Web of Data be searched by means of keyword search?, b) what sets apart search in the WoD from traditional web search?, c) how can these elements be used in a theoretically sound and effective way?, and d) How can the techniques be adapted to a distributed environment? To this end, we develop techniques for effectively searching WoD sources. We build upon and formalise existing entity modelling approaches within a generative language modelling framework, and compare them experimentally using standard test collections. We show that these models outperform the current state-of-the-art in terms of retrieval effectiveness, however, this is done at the cost of abandoning a large part of the semantics behind the data. We propose a novel entity model capable of preserving the semantics associated with entities, without sacrificing retrieval effectiveness. We further show how these approaches can be applied in the distributed context, both with low (federated search) and high numbers (Peer- to-peer or P2P) of independent repositories, collections, or nodes.
The main contributions are as follows:

  • We develop a hybrid approach to search in the Web of Data, using elements from traditional information retrieval and structured retrieval alike.
  • We formalise our approaches in a language model setting.
  • Our extensions are successfully evaluated with respect to their applicability in different distributed environments such as federated search and P2P.
  • We discuss and analyse based on our empirical evaluation and provide insights into the entity search problem.

Almer Tigelaar defends PhD thesis on P2P Search

Peer-to-peer information retrieval

by Almer Tigelaar

The Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the essential task of finding information is dominated by a handful of large centralised search engines. In this thesis we study an alternative to this approach. Instead of using large data centres, we propose using the machines that we all use every day: our desktop, laptop and tablet computers, to build a peer-to-peer web search engine. We provide a definition of the associated research field: peer-to-peer information retrieval. We examine what separates it from related fields, give an overview of the work done so far and provide an economic perspective on peer-to-peer search. Furthermore, we introduce our own architecture for peer-to-peer search systems, inspired by BitTorrent. Distributing the task of providing search results for queries introduces the problem of query routing: a query needs to be send to a peer that can provide relevant search results. We investigate how the content of peers can be represented so that queries can be directed to the best ones in terms of relevance. While cooperative peers can provide their own representation, the content of uncooperative peers can be accessed only through a search interface and thus they can not actively provide a description of themselves. We look into representing these uncooperative peers by probing their search interface to construct a representation. Finally, the capacity of the machines in peer-to-peer networks differs considerably making it challenging to provide search results quickly. To address this, we present an approach where copies of search results for previous queries are retained at peers and used to serve future requests and show participation can be incentivised using reputations. There are still problems to be solved before a real-world peer-to-peer web search engine can be build. This thesis provides a starting point for this ambitious goal and also provides a solid basis for reasoning about peer-to-peer information retrieval systems in general.

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