Dolf Trieschnigg defends PhD thesis on Biomedical IR

Proof of Concept: Concept-based Biomedical Information Retrieval

by Dolf Trieschnigg

In this thesis we investigate the possibility to integrate domain-specific knowledge into biomedical information retrieval (IR). Recent decades have shown a fast growing interest in biomedical research, reflected by an exponential growth in scientific literature. Biomedical IR is concerned with the disclosure of these vast amounts of written knowledge. Biomedical IR is not only important for end-users, such as biologists, biochemists, and bioinformaticians searching directly for relevant literature but also plays an important role in more sophisticated knowledge discovery. An important problem for biomedical IR is dealing with the complex and inconsistent terminology encountered in biomedical publications. Multiple synonymous terms can be used for single biomedical concepts, such as genes and diseases. Conversely, single terms can be ambiguous, and may refer to multiple concepts. Dealing with the terminology problem requires domain knowledge stored in terminological resources: controlled indexing vocabularies and thesauri. The integration of this knowledge in modern word-based information retrieval is, however, far from trivial. This thesis investigates the problem of handling biomedical terminology based on three research themes.

The first research theme deals with robust word-based retrieval. Effective retrieval models commonly use a word-based representation for retrieval. As so many spelling variations are present in biomedical text, the way in which these word-based representations are obtained affect retrieval effectiveness. We investigated the effect of choices in document preprocessing heuristics on retrieval effectiveness. This investigation included stop-word removal, stemming, different approaches to breakpoint identification and normalisation, and character n-gramming. In particular breakpoint identification and normalisation (that is determining word parts in biomedical compounds) showed a strong effect on retrieval performance. A combination of effective preprocessing heuristics was identified and used to obtain word-based representations from text for the remainder of this thesis.

The second research theme deals with concept-based retrieval. We investigated two representation vocabularies for concept-based indexing, one based on the Medical Subject Headings thesaurus, the other based on the Unified Medical Language System metathesaurus extended with a number of gene and protein dictionaries.

We investigated the following five topics.

  1. How documents are represented in a concept-based representation.
  2. To what extent such a document representation can be obtained automatically.
  3. To what extent a text-based query can be automatically mapped onto a concept-based representation and how this affects retrieval performance.
  4. To what extent a concept-based representation is effective in representing information needs.
  5. How the relationship between text and concepts can be used to determine the relatedness of concepts.

We compared different classification systems to obtain concept-based document and query representations automatically. We proposed two classification methods based on statistical language models, one based on K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) and one based on Concept Language Models (CLM).

For a selection of classification systems we carried out a document classification experiment in which we investigated to what extent automatic classification could reproduce manual classification. The proposed KNN system performed well in comparison to the out-of-the-box systems. Manual analysis indicated the improved exhaustiveness of automatic classification over manual classification. Retrieval based on only concepts was demonstrated to be significantly less effective than word-based retrieval. This deteriorated performance could be explained by errors in the classification process, limitations of the concept vocabularies and limited exhaustiveness of the concept-based document representations. Retrieval based on a combination of word-based and automatically obtained concept-based query representations did significantly improve word-only retrieval. In an artificial setting, we compared the optimal retrieval performance which could be obtained with word-based and concept-based representations. Contrary to our intuition, on average a single word-based query performed better than a single concept-based representation, even when the best concept term precisely represented part of the information need.

We investigated to what extent the relatedness between pairs of concepts as indicated by human judgements could be automatically reproduced. Results on a small test set indicated that a method based on comparing concept language models performed particularly well in comparison to systems based on taxonomy structure, information content and (document) association.

In the third and last research theme of this thesis we propose a framework for concept-based retrieval. We approached the integration of domain knowledge in monolingual information retrieval as a cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) problem. Two languages were identified in this monolingual setting: a word-based representation language based on free text, and a concept-based representation language based on a terminological resource. Similar to what is common in traditional CLIR, queries and documents are translated into the same representation language and matched. The cross-lingual perspective gives us the opportunity to adopt a large set of established CLIR methods and techniques for this domain. In analogy to established CLIR practice, we investigated translation models based on a parallel corpus containing documents in multiple representations and translation models based on a thesaurus. Surprisingly, even the integration of very basic translation models showed improvements in retrieval effectiveness over word-only retrieval. A translation model based on pseudo-feedback translation was shown to perform particularly well. We proposed three extensions to a basic cross-lingual retrieval model which, similar to previous approaches in established CLIR, improved retrieval effectiveness by combining multiple translation models. Experimental results indicate that, even when using very basic translation models, monolingual biomedical IR can benefit from a cross-lingual approach to integrate domain knowledge.

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Robin Aly defends PhD thesis on uncertainty in concept-based multimedia retrieval

by Robin Aly

This thesis considers concept-based multimedia retrieval, where documents are represented by the occurrence of concepts (also referred to as semantic concepts or high-level features). A concept can be thought of as a kind of label, which is attached to (parts of) the multimedia documents in which it occurs. Since concept-based document representations are user, language and modality independent, using them for retrieval has great potential for improving search performance. As collections quickly grow both in volume and size, manually labeling concept occurrences becomes infeasible and the so-called concept detectors are used to decide upon the occurrence of concepts in the documents automatically.

The following fundamental problems in concept-based retrieval are identified and addressed in this thesis. First, the concept detectors frequently make mistakes while detecting concepts. Second, it is difficult for users to formulate their queries since they are unfamiliar with the concept vocabulary, and setting weights for each concept requires knowledge of the collection. Third, for supporting retrieval of longer video segments, single concept occurrences are not sufficient to differentiate relevant from non-relevant documents and some notion of the importance of a concept in a segment is needed. Finally, since current detection techniques lack performance, it is important to be able to predict what search performance retrieval engines yield, if the detection performance improves.

The main contribution of this thesis is the uncertain document representation ranking framework (URR). Based on the Nobel prize winning Portfolio Selection Theory, the URR framework considers the distribution over all possible concept-based document representations of a document given the observed confidence scores of concept detectors. For a given score function, documents are ranked by the expected score plus an additional term of the variance of the score, which represents the risk attitude of the system.

User-friendly concept selection is achieved by re-using an annotated development collection. Each video shot of the development collection is transformed into a textual description which yields a collection of textual descriptions. This collection is then searched for a textual query which does not require the user's knowledge of the concept vocabulary. The ranking of the textual descriptions and the knowledge of the concept occurrences in the development collection allows a selection of useful concepts together with their weights.

The URR framework and the proposed concept selection method are used to derive a shot and a video segment retrieval framework. For shot retrieval, the probabilistic ranking framework for unobservable events is proposed. The framework re-uses the well-known probability of relevance score function from text retrieval. Because of the representation uncertainty, documents are ranked by their expected retrieval score given the confidence scores from the concept detectors.

For video segment retrieval, the uncertain concept language model is proposed for retrieving news items — a particular video segment type. A news item is modeled as a series of shots and represented by the frequency of each selected concept. Using the parallel between concept frequencies and term frequencies, a concept language model score function is derived from the language modelling framework. The concept language model score function is then used according to the URR framework and documents are ranked by the expected concept language score plus an additional term of the score's variance.

The Monte Carlo Simulation method is used to predict the behavior of current retrieval models under improved concept detector performance. First, a probabilistic model of concept detector output is defined as two Gaussian distributions, one for the shots in which the concept occurs and one for the shots in which it does not. Randomly generating concept detector scores for a collection with known concept occurrences and executing a search on the generated output estimates the expected search performance given the model's parameters. By modifying the model parameters, the detector performance can be improved and the future search performance can be predicted.

Experiments on several collections of the TRECVid evaluation benchmark showed that the URR framework often significantly improve the search performance compared to several state-of-the-art baselines. The simulation of concept detectors yields that today's video shot retrieval models will show an acceptable performance, once the detector performance is around 0.60 mean average precision. The simulation of video segment retrieval suggests, that this task is easier and will sooner be applicable to real-life applications.

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Claudia Hauff defends PhD thesis on performance prediction

Predicting the Effectiveness of Queries and Retrieval Systems

by Claudia Hauff

The thesis considers users' attempts to express their information needs through queries, or search requests and tries to predict whether those requests will be of high or low quality. Intuitively, a query's quality is determined by the outcome of the query, that is, whether the retrieved search results meet the user's expectations. The second type of prediction methods under investigation are those which attempt to predict the quality of search systems themselves. Given a number of search systems to consider, these methods estimate how well or how poorly the systems will perform in comparison to each other.

The motivation for this research effort stems primarily from the enormous benefits originating from successfully predicting the quality of a query or a system. Accurate predictions enable the employment of adaptive retrieval components which would have a considerable positive effect on the user experience. Furthermore, if we would achieve sufficiently accurate predictions of the quality of retrieval systems, the cost of evaluation would be significantly reduced.

In a first step, pre-retrieval predictors are investigated, which predict a query's effectiveness before the retrieval step and are thus independent of the ranked list of results. Such predictors base their predictions solely on query terms, collection statistics and possibly external sources such as WordNet or Wikipedia. A total of twenty-two prediction algorithms are categorized and their quality is assessed on three different TREC test collections, including two large Web collections. A number of newly applied methods for combining various predictors are examined to obtain a better prediction of a query's effectiveness. In order to adequately and appropriately compare such techniques the current evaluation methodology is critically examined. It is shown that the standard evaluation measure, namely the linear correlation coefficient, can provide a misleading indication of performance. To address this issue, the current evaluation methodology is extended to include cross validation and statistical testing to determine significant differences.

Building on the analysis of pre-retrieval predictors, post-retrieval approaches are then investigated, which estimate a query's effectiveness on the basis of the retrieved results. The thesis focuses in particular on the Clarity Score approach and provides an analysis of its sensitivity towards different variables such as the collection, the query set and the retrieval approach. Adaptations to Clarity Score are introduced which improve the estimation accuracy of the original algorithm on most evaluated test collections.

The utility of query effectiveness prediction methods is commonly evaluated by reporting correlation coefficients, such as Kendall's Tau and the linear correlation coefficient, which denote how well the methods perform at predicting the retrieval effectiveness of a set of queries. Despite the significant amount of research dedicated to this important stage in the retrieval process, the following question has remained unexplored: what is the relationship of the current evaluation methodology for query effectiveness prediction and the change in effectiveness of retrieval systems that employ a predictor? We investigate this question with a large scale study for which predictors of arbitrary accuracy are generated in order to examine how the strength of their observed Kendall's Tau coefficient affects the retrieval effectiveness in two adaptive system settings: selective query expansion and meta-search. It is shown that the accuracy of currently existing query effectiveness prediction methods is not yet high enough to lead to consistent positive changes in retrieval performance in these particular settings.

The last part of the thesis is concerned with the task of estimating the ranking of retrieval systems according to their retrieval effectiveness without relying on costly relevance judgments. Five different system ranking estimation approaches are evaluated on a wide range of data sets which cover a variety of retrieval tasks and a variety of test collections. The issue that has long prevented this line of automatic evaluation to be used in practice is the severe mis-ranking of the best systems. In the experiments reported in this work, however, we show this not to be an inherent problem of system ranking estimation approaches, it is rather data set dependent. Under certain conditions it is indeed possible to automatically identify the best systems correctly. Furthermore, our analysis reveals that the estimated ranking of systems is not equally accurate for all topics of a topic set, which motivates the investigation of relying on topic subsets to improve the accuracy of the estimate. A study to this effect indicates the validity of the approach.

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Pavel Serdyukov defends PhD thesis on Expert Search

by Pavel Serdyukov

The automatic search for knowledgeable people in the scope of an organization is a key function which makes modern enterprise search systems commercially successful and socially demanded. A number of effective approaches to expert finding were recently proposed in academic publications. Although, most of them use reasonably defined measures of personal expertise, they often limit themselves to rather unrealistic and sometimes oversimplified principles. In this thesis, we explore several ways to go beyond state-of-the-art assumptions used in research on expert finding and propose several novel solutions for this and related tasks. First, we describe measures of expertise that do not assume independent occurrence of terms and persons in a document what makes them perform better than the measures based on independence of all entities in a document. One of these measures makes persons central to the process of terms generation in a document. Another one assumes that the position of the person’s mention in a document with respect to the positions of query terms indicates the relation of the person to the document’s relevant content. Second, we find the ways to use not only direct expertise evidence for a person concentrated within the document space of the person’s current employer and only within those organizational documents that mention the person. We successfully utilize the predicting potential of additional indirect expertise evidence publicly available on the Web and in the organizational documents implicitly related to a person. Finally, besides the expert finding methods we proposed, we also demonstrate solutions for tasks from related domains. In one case, we use several algorithms of multi-step relevance propagation to search for typed entities in Wikipedia. In another case, we suggest generic methods for placing photos uploaded to Flickr on the world map using language models of locations built entirely on the annotations provided by users with a few task specific extensions.

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Henning Rode defends Ph.D. thesis on Entity Ranking

From Document to Entity Retrieval: Improving Precision and Performance of Focused Text Search

by Henning Rode

Text retrieval is an active area of research since decades. Finding the best index terms, the development of statistical models for the estimation of relevance, using relevance feedback, and the challenge to keep retrieval tasks efficient with ever growing text collections had been important issues over the entire period. Especially in the last decade, we have also seen a diversification of retrieval tasks. Instead of searching for entire documents only, passage or XML retrieval systems allow to formulate a more focused search for finer grained text units. Question answering systems even try to pinpoint the part of a sentence that contains the answer to a user question, and expert search systems return a list of persons with expertise on the topic. The sketched situation forms the starting point of this thesis, which presents a number of task specific search solutions and tries to set them into more generic frameworks. In particular, we take a look at the three areas (1) context adaptivity of search, (2) efficient XML retrieval, and (3) entity ranking.

In the first case, we show how different types of context information can be incorporated in the retrieval of documents. When users are searching for information, the search task is typically part of a wider working process. This search context, however, is often not reflected by the few search keywords stated to the retrieval system, though it can contain valuable information for query refinement. We address with this work two research questions related to the aim of developing context aware retrieval systems. Firstly, we show how already available information about the user's context can be employed effectively to gain highly precise search results. Secondly, we investigate how such meta-data about the search context can be gathered. The proposed “query profiles” have a central role in the query refinement process. They automatically detect necessary context information and help the user to explicitly express context dependent search constraints. The effectiveness of the approach is tested with experiments on selected dimensions of the user's context.

When documents are not regarded as a simple sequence of words, but their content is structured in a machine readable form, it is straightforward to develop retrieval systems that make use of the additional structure information. Structured retrieval first asks for the design of a suitable language that enables the user to express queries on content and structure. We investigate here existing query languages, whether and how they support the basic needs of structured querying. However, our main focus lies on the efficiency of structured retrieval systems. Conventional inverted indices for document retrieval systems are not suitable for maintaining structure indices. We identify base operations involved in the execution of structured queries and show how they can be supported by new indices and algorithms on a database system. Efficient query processing has to be concerned with the optimization of query plans as well. We investigate low level query plans of physical database operators for simple query patterns, and demonstrate the benefits of higher level query optimization for complex queries.

New search tasks and interfaces for the presentation of search results, like faceted search applications, question answering, expert search, and automatic timeline construction, come with the need to rank entities, such as persons, organizations or dates, instead of documents or text passages. Modern language processing tools are able to automatically detect and categorize named entities in large text collections. In order to estimate their relevance to a given search topic, we develop retrieval models for entities which are based on the relevance of texts that mention the entity. A graph-based relevance propagation framework is introduced for this purpose that enables to derive the relevance of entities. Several options for the modeling of entity containment graphs and different relevance propagation approaches are tested, demonstrating usefulness of the graph-based ranking framework.

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Jun Wang defends Ph.D. thesis on Collaborative Filtering

Relevance Models for Collaborative Filtering

by Jung Wang

Collaborative filtering is the common technique of predicting the interests of a user by collecting preference information from many users. Although it is generally regarded as a key information retrieval technique, its relation to the existing information retrieval theory is unclear. This thesis shows how the development of collaborative filtering can gain many benefits from information retrieval theories and models. It brings the notion of relevance into collaborative filtering and develops several relevance models for collaborative filtering. Besides dealing with user profiles that are obtained by explicitly asking users to rate information items, the relevance models can also cope with the situations where user profiles are implicitly supplied by observing user interactions with a system. Experimental results complement the theoretical insights with improved recommendation accuracy for both item relevance ranking and user rating prediction. Furthermore, the approaches are more than just analogy: our derivations of the unified relevance model show that popular user-based and item-based approaches represent only a partial view of the problem, whereas a unified view that brings these partial views together gives better insights into their relative importance and how retrieval can benefit from their combination.

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Vojkan Mihajlovic defends Ph.D. thesis on structured information retrieval

Score Region Algebra: A flexible framework for structured information retrieval

by Vojkan Mihajlovic

The scope of the research presented in this thesis is the retrieval of relevant information from structured documents. The thesis describes a framework for information retrieval in documents that have some form of annotation used for describing logical and semantical document structure, such as XML and SGML. The development of the structured information retrieval framework follows the ideas from both database and information retrieval worlds. It uses a three-level database architecture and implements relevance scoring mechanisms inherited from information retrieval models.

To develop the structured retrieval framework, the problem of structured information retrieval is analyzed and elementary requirements for structured retrieval systems are specified. These requirements are: (1) entity selection – the selection of different entities in structured documents, such as elements, terms, attributes, image and video references, which are parts of the user query; (2) entity relevance score computation – the computation of relevance scores for different structured elements with respect to the content they contain; (3) relevance score combination – the combination of relevance scores from (different) elements in a document structure, resulting in a common element relevance score; (4) relevance score propagation – the propagation of scores from different elements to common ancestor or descendant elements following the query. These four requirements are supported when developing a database logical algebra in harmony with the retrieval models used for ranking. In the specification of the logical algebra we face a challenge of a transparent instantiation of retrieval models, i.e., the specification of different retrieval models without affecting the algebra operators.

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