The slides of yesterday's meeting, as well as the project descriptions are all on-line in the Archive section. Please choose a project and notify Maurice van Keulen. Deadline Friday 24 April.
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The slides of yesterday's meeting, as well as the project descriptions are all on-line in the Archive section. Please choose a project and notify Maurice van Keulen. Deadline Friday 24 April.
More on TeleTOP.
The slides of yesterday's XML & Databases kick-off meeting, as well as the project descriptions are all on-line in the TeleTOP Archive. Please choose a project and notify both Maurice van Keulen and Djoerd Hiemstra. Deadline Tuesday 22 April.
The kick-off meeting of the course XML & Databases 2 is moved from Tuesday 15 April to Thursday 17 April (8:30 – 10.15) in LA 3522. In this course you will do a small piece of research concerning XML databases by contributing to one of the extensions of MonetDB/XQuery that are currently being developed at the Database Group of the University of Twente:
Hope to see you on Thursday 17 April.
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I have created an “assignment” in the roster as the location where you can upload your final paper. Please also include source code of your prototype.
4. Theme Ik heb een discussieforum voor het thema “XML en GIS” aangemaakt (en er ook al een eerste berichtje gepost).
Due to the much larger number of students than we expected, we perhaps need to have additional assignments to accomodate everybody. This will be done on a per theme-basis, i.e. we will assign more project groups to a theme than there are assignments. On the first theme meeting, we will explain which other possible assignments can be done, so we can discuss what each group is going to do. If desired, there is the opportunity to switch assignment within the theme.
Because of small delays for several projects, exam stress, and tropical temperatures, there will be no final project presentations in the exam period this year. Instead, we will ask some the project groups to give a short presentation to members of the Database Group. We will be lenient on the deadline of 30 June as long as we know that you are still actively working on the project. Please send us as soon as possible the status of your project and the date you plan to send in the paper.
Please take the following actions:
In the Archive section on TeleTOP you can find additional information for each project assignment.
The kick-off meeting of the course XML & Databases 2 (211086) takes place on:
Tuesday 25 April at 9:00 h. – 10.30 h. in room ZI-5126.
At this meeting we will present the research projects and plan further meetings. Please notify us as soon as possible if you are unable to attend.
The final project meeting takes place on Wednesday 15 June, 1/2 hour.
What: XML&DB-2 final project meeting
When: Wednesday 15 June, 1/2 hour (8.30 – 10.15 h.)
Where: ZI-2126 (NB other room than the other meetings)
Each group will be asked to give a 5 minute overview of the results of the project. After the presentation, there will be another 5 minutes for discussion. Please address the following issues
Please let us know if you are unable to participate in the meeting. If you want to use a small PDF or Powerpoint slide show, please put it as an attachment to a “reaction” (see 'cartoon' button left of this news item).
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